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The rise of Steve Jobs before Ipad

Steve Jobs and his control over the media organization known as Pixar from 1986 to 2006. The two integrated theories used by Steve Jobs were transactional leadership and transformational leadership


The need for portability and lightweight has become more and more important among technology users in the last couple of years. This desire has been met firstly by netbooks, then by tablets and now we have ultrabooks.

Max Payne 3 - GAME REVIEW

Max Payne 3 will be published by Rockstar Games for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game is still a suspense as everything is kept hidden yet.

The world of movie distribution

The world of movie distribution is a tough place. After fighting and sweating to finish a movie you're mentally and physically exhausted.You just want to take a break and rest, but you can't because finishing a movie is only half the battle.


What is SEO ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural," or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic"), search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search,[1] news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number ofbacklinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.

The acronym "SEOs" can refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site and site content, SEO tactics may be incorporated into websitedevelopment and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe website designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos,shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure.

As a marketing strategy

SEO is not an appropriate strategy for every website, and other Internet marketing strategies can be more effective, depending on the site operator's goals.[44] A successful Internet marketing campaign may also depend upon building high quality web pages to engage and persuade, setting up analytics programs to enable site owners to measure results, and improving a site's conversion rate.[45]

SEO may generate an adequate return on investment. However, search engines are not paid for organic search traffic, their algorithms change, and there are no guarantees of continued referrals. Due to this lack of guarantees and certainty, a business that relies heavily on search engine traffic can suffer major losses if the search engines stop sending visitors.[46] Search engines can change their algorithms, impacting a website's placement, possibly resulting in a serious loss of traffic. According to Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, in 2010, Google made over 500 algorithm changes - almost 1.5 per day.[47] It is considered wise business practice for website operators to liberate themselves from dependence on search engine traffic.[48] Seomoz.org has suggested that "search marketers, in a twist of irony, receive a very small share of their traffic from search engines." Instead, their main sources of traffic are links from other websites.[49]

International markets

Optimization techniques are highly tuned to the dominant search engines in the target market. The search engines' market shares vary from market to market, as does competition. In 2003, Danny Sullivanstated that Google represented about 75% of all searches.[50] In markets outside the United States, Google's share is often larger, and Google remains the dominant search engine worldwide as of 2007.[51]As of 2006, Google had an 85-90% market share in Germany.[52] While there were hundreds of SEO firms in the US at that time, there were only about five in Germany.[52] As of June 2008, the marketshare of Google in the UK was close to 90% according to Hitwise.[53] That market share is achieved in a number of countries.

As of 2009, there are only a few large markets where Google is not the leading search engine. In most cases, when Google is not leading in a given market, it is lagging behind a local player. The most notable markets where this is the case are China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the Czech Republic where respectively Baidu, Yahoo! Japan, Naver, Yandex and Seznam are market leaders.

Successful search optimization for international markets may require professional translation of web pages, registration of a domain name with a top level domain in the target market, and web hosting that provides a local IP address. Otherwise, the fundamental elements of search optimization are essentially the same, regardless of language.[52]


What is SEM?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization (both on-page and off-page) as well as through advertising (paid placements, contextual advertising, and paid inclusions). Depending on the context, SEM can be an umbrella term for various means of marketing a website including search engine optimization (SEO), which adjusts or rewrites website content to achieve a higher ranking in search engine results pages, or it may contrast with PPC, focusing on only paid components

SEM methods and metrics

There are four categories of methods and metrics used to optimize websites through search engine marketing.

  1. Keyword research and analysis involves three "steps:" ensuring the site can be indexed in the search engines, finding the most relevant and popular keywords for the site and its products, and using those keywords on the site in a way that will generate and convert traffic.
  2. Website saturation and popularity, how much presence a website has on search engines, can be analyzed through the number of pages of the site that are indexed on search engines (saturation) and how many backlinks the site has (popularity). It requires your pages containing those keywords people are looking for and ensure that they rank high enough in search engine rankings. Most search engines include some form of link popularity in their ranking algorithms. The followings are major tools measuring various aspects of saturation and link popularity: Link Popularity, Top 10 Google Analysis, and Marketleap's Link Popularity and Search Engine Saturation.
  3. Back end tools, including Web analytic tools and HTML validators, provide data on a website and its visitors and allow the success of a website to be measured. They range from simple traffic counters to tools that work with log files[10] and to more sophisticated tools that are based on page tagging (putting JavaScript or an image on a page to track actions). These tools can deliver conversion-related information. There are three major tools used by EBSCO: (a) log file analyzing tool: WebTrends by NetiQ; (b) tag-based analytic programs WebSideStory's Hitbox; (c) transaction-based tool: TeaLeaf RealiTea. Validators check the invisible parts of websites, highlighting potential problems and many usability issues ensure your website meets W3C code standards. Try to use more than one HTMLvalidator or spider simulator because each tests, highlights, and reports on slightly different aspects of your website.
  4. Whois tools reveal the owners of various websites, and can provide valuable information relating to copyright and trademark issues.

Best Top 5 network scanner hack tools for Hackers

Hello friends, today i will share with you world best top 5 Network scanning hack tools for windows platform. This article is not only for hackers, it also important for Network administrators. So friends lets explore the world top 5 Network scanning Hack tools selected by Hackingloops. We have rated these on the basis of their features and their performance.
World top 5 Network scanning tools:

NMAP is best network scanner till that date, when we take features as our concern, then NMap has left other scanners miles behind. NMap stands for Network mapper and its a free open source hack tool for network scanning and network security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are avalable for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. In addition to the classic command-line Nmap executable, the Nmap suite includes an advanced GUI and results viewer (Zenmap), a flexible data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool (Ncat), a utility for comparing scan results (Ndiff), and a packet generation and response analysis tool (Nping).

I will post its video tutorial very soon to explain how to use NMap as hackers.

2. MiTeC Network Scanner
MiTeC is rated as second best network scanner for windows platform and it can be used as its alternative. This network scanner if for both system administrators and ethical hackers who are interested in computer security. It performs ping sweep, scans for opened TCP and UDP ports, resource shares and services.
In addition you have to edit results, save/load results to/from CSV and print network device list. It can also resolve host names and auto-detect your local IP range.

3. SoftPerfect Network Scanner
Hacking loops has rated Softperfect network scanner as third best network scanner by taking its performance and features into account. The interface is very clean and user friendly, but it hides so many great things that it will take minutes until you find them all. The scanning process is pretty intuitive, so the only thing you need to do is to input the range of IPs you wish to scan. Afterwards, you’re able not only to open computers, but also to send messages, initiate a remote showdown operation, send wake-on-LAN signal or start a DHCP or UPnP Device Discovery. SoftPerfect Network Scanner does a great thing when it comes to handling computer resources, so the machine won’t be slowed down even when doing long scans.

4. Network DeepScan
Network DeepScan is a useful and powerful utility that will search for shared NetBios (including system and hidden) and FTP resources over local area networks. This network tool can scan over multiple IP subnets, filter found resources by various criteria, sort it by Host Name, IP Address or Workgroup. You can search for any kinds of files in found resources. Also there is a special feature in this network tool - LAN Explorer. It allows you to browse found shared resources directly in program and not open many instances of Windows Explorer. All important aspects of program configuration are combined under a modern graphical user interface. Find out how easy and effective network browsing can be with the Network DeepScan.

5. Network scanner
Network scanner is an IP scanner for network analysis that will allow you to see all network computers in several seconds. It can scan an unlimited number of IP address ranges or computers from a list. It scans computers not only for NetBIOS resources, but also for running FTP and web services. It is possible to check access right to resources during the scan process. Network scanner works really fast due to multi-thread scanning when every computer is scanned independently. You can change the number of computers scanned simultaneously. Network scanner will help you export the scan results to html, txt or xml files.

Hack Wifi Network

You already know that if you want to lock down your Wi-Fi network, you should opt for WPA encryption because WEP is easy to crack. But did you know how easy? Take a look.

Today we're going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. But first, a word: Knowledge is power, but power doesn't mean you should be a jerk, or do anything illegal. Knowing how to pick a lock doesn't m

ake you a thief. Consider this post educational, or a proof-of-concept intellectual exercise.

Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously—Google it. This ain't what you'd call "news." But what is surprising is that someone like me, with minimal networking experience, can get this done with free software and a cheap Wi-Fi adapter. Here's how it goes.

You need to download backtrack

Click on download button to download backtrack

After it watch the video below


Crypters tutorial for Hackers

Crypters are computer applications which are solely used to bypass the antivirus detection of malwares. Hackers use crypters to hide viruses, Trojans, RATS, keyloggers and other hack tools into a new executable, whose sole purpose is to bypass the detection of the same from antivirus. Crypters are basically dead programs which does not affect the actual functionality of the program, they just spoof the actual program behind their encryption and make antivirus fool. Most antivirus detects viruses on basis of heuristics and normal string based detection. Since we have spoofed the original program, so antivirus stand lame and does not detect it as virus.

Common terms related to crypters:
For understanding and designing crypters, hackers must be aware of certain terms, most of you already know these terms, but as i am writing this tutorial starting from novice level and take it to elite level at the end. So if you know these terms just read them one more time, as that might help you to clear some of your doubts.

1. FUD or UD : Fully undetectable(FUD) means that your virus is not detected by any of the existing antiviruses while undetectable(UD) means detectable by few antiviruses. FUD is our only goal and elite hackers always rely on that.
Note: Crypter will remain FUD until you have openly shared on internet. Public crypters remains FUD up to maximum 2 to 3 days then they become UD. So if you want to use crypter for long time so never publish and share that on internet. Use it anonymously.

2. STUB : A stub is a small piece of code which contains certain basic functionality which is used again and again. It is similar to package in Java or simply like header files in C ( which already has certain standard functions defined in it). A stub basically simulates the functionality of existing codes similarly like procedures on remote machines or simply PC's. In crypters, client side server is validated using stubs, so never delete stub file from your crypter. Stubs adds portability to crypter code, so that it can be used on any machine without requiring much procedures and resources on other machines.
Let me explain with small example:
Suppose you are writing a code that converts bytes to bits, so we know formula or method for converting bytes to bits will remain same and it will be independent of machine. So our stub (or method stub or procedure) will contain something like this:

totalBits = calculateBits(inputBytes)
Compute totalBits = inputBytes * 8
Now what we will pass is only number of bytes to this stub. And it will return the resulting bits. Similarly, we include some common machine independent checks and functions in our stub, and in main code we only passes linkage and inputs to these stubs, which in return provides suitable results.
Note: Most of times it happens, suppose you downloaded some keylogger and you complain to provider its not working, only reason for that is stub. Also always kept in your mind, if you are downloading any keylogger or crypter always check stub is present in it. If not, don't download it, its just a piece of waste and for sure hacker is spreading his virus using that. I recommend that never download any hacking tool on your real machine, always use virtual machine or sandbox to test hack tools.

3. USV: Unique stub version or simply USV is a part of crypter that generates a unique version of stub which differentiates it from its previous stub, thus makes it more undetectable against antiviruses. For detecting this antivirus companies has to reverse engineer your crypter stub, that is not that easy to do, so it will remain undetectable for long time. This consist of one most important component USG ( unique stub generation) which is the actual part of crypter that encrypts and decrypts the original file means its the heart of your algorithm and i will recommend never write this part in stub, rather include this part in main code. Why i am saying this, stub is part of code which is shared with victim, so it will become public and hence your Crypter will not remain FUD for much long time.

Different types of crypters:
1. External Stub based crypters : This category consists of public crypters (those you have downloaded till date :P (noobish one's) and you complains to provider that its detectable by antiviruses. That really foolish complaint, if crypter is public then it can never remain FUD. So don't ever complain to me also after my next article for such noobish things. Ahahah.. i got deviated for real thing.
External Stub based crypters are those crypters in which most of the functionality of the crypter depends of external stub, if your delete that stub file, your crypter is useless. :P Most antivirus only do that. These type of crypters contains two files one is client.exe and other is stub.exe . Stub contains the main procedures and client contains the global functions that call those procedures.

2. Internal or Inbuilt stub based crypters: The crypters that contains only one exe file (i.e client) fall under this category. This client file has inbuilt stub in it. You can separate stub and client part here too using RCE (reverse code engineering) but it is not recommended.

Note: External or Internal stub doesn't make much difference as antivirus detects files on the basis of strings related to offsets. Whenever you reverse engineer any application or program, the program execution flow will gonna remain the same but offsets may change. USV will come into picture at this point. If you include your encryption algorithm separately then it will be more harder for antivirus to detect your crypter.

3. Run time crypters: Run time crypters are those crypters which remain undetected in memory during their execution. We are looking for these type of crypters only. :P These can any of the two above.

4. Scan time crypters: Those crypters which will remain undetected while encrypting the files but will become detectable when resultant file is generated. :P Fking one's that wastes all effort we have put. This really annoys everything is working fine and at last you get your file being detected by noob antiviruses.

How to hack keyloggers or RAT's server password

Keylogger's and RAT's nowadays are everybody's problem across the internet. Hackers use keyloggers to hack the email passwords of the victim which they receive in the form of emails or text files on their respective FTP servers. They spread their keyloggers with the help of cracks, keygen's or patches of popular software's or simply through hack tools. So friends, today i will teach you how to reverse engineer the keylogger or RAT to hack the hackers FTP server or email password. I have already discussed this with the help of bintext tool on my other website ISOFTDL.

Most of hackers thinks that they are too smart, so what they do bind their keylogger or Rat servers with popular programs and when user open that their system got infected and hence what ever they type is get recorded and sent to hacker.
Now all keyloggers sent data to hacker in regular intervals (usually every 5 to 10 minutes) by using below to ways:
1. Using the Emails : where hacker configures his email ID and password while creating the server. Keylogger records the key strokes in a temp file and sends it to the hacker in form of emails. But this has a limit as most free email servers like Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail has limit of 500 composed and received mails. So most hackers use the second method.
2. FTP server : While creating the keylogger server, hacker configure their FTP server, where they receive the logs of key strokes in the form of text file( usally labeled on the basis of current system time stamp). Hackers keylogger server uploads the files to FTP server after every few minutes interval.

So friends, here the actual trick or loophole in above technique lies. If we monitor the everything coming in and going out of our Ethernet card or Wireless then we can detect that what is going out of our system. Its nothing but just monitoring your your system's traffic, where its going and from where its coming. You can use any of the tool that monitor the packet flow of your Ethernet or wireless card.
ok...ok.. let me tell you my favorite tool for doing the same. I love Wireshark because its simply superb.

Wireshark is a very famous network scanning hack tool which is used by hackers or network forensic experts to monitor the packet flow of their network cards like Ethernet or WLAN. It records the each and every packet coming and going out of your system's Network card. Now you all must be thinking wth is this Packet. Packet is nothing but just a bunch of bits(data in form of 0 & 1) usually 32bit or 64bit. In network terminology, data is termed as packet which can be either TCP or UDP( both contains the header n other stuff accordingly).

So friends, whenever you feel anything suspicious in your system like your system is compromised or you are infected from a keylogger or RAT or simply you want to test a hack tool and you are not aware that hack tool is safe to use or not. Just follow the below procedure to reverse engineer these noob hacking tools.
Note: Every keylogger or RAT sends the logs to hacker's FTP server or email account after few minutes interval( when you are connected to internet) but some novice keyloggers even tries to send data while you are offline and hence the data sending keep on failing. In some situations it displays warning message and in some situations you PC gets hanged or SVHOST service CPU usage increases. But nothing matters whether it sends logs online or offline, the only thing matter is time period, after what interval it sends data.

Steps to Hack or reverse engineer the Hacker's Keylogger server password:
1. First of all download and install the wireshark. You can easily get this using by Googling it.
Note: While Wireshark is getting installed, ensure that it installs the Winpcap with it other it won't work properly.
2. Now go to the Capture button in the top menu of the Wireshark as shown below and select the interface( means your network card which can be Ethernet or WLAN).

how to hack keylogger using wireshark

3. Now it will start capturing the packets through that Network card. What you have to do is just keep capturing the records for atleast 20 - 30 minutes for getting the best results. After 20- 30 minutes, again go to capture and stop capturing the packets.
4. Now you need to filter your results, for this Go to the filter box and type FTP and SMTP one by one. Note: if you get records for FTP then hacker has used FTP server and if you didn't got FTP that means hacker has used SMTP, so give SMTP in Filter box.
5. As you scroll down you will find the “FTP username” and “Password” for victims ftp account in case FTP server is used. And if hacker has used SMTP then you will find "email address" and its "password" that hacker has used to create keylogger.

6. That's all my friends. Isn't that too easy.

RAT full Source Code v1.0 in C language

Hello friends, today hacking loops is exposing the source code of RAT ( remote administration tool) in C language. With this source code you can take help in designing your own hack tools like keyloggers, remote chat montiors, screen capture tools,etc ..Now you can see how the coding is being done. Source code of RAT will help you in understanding the working of RAT remote administration tool and how it logs data and steals information and everything. This source code is of F.B.I RAT( full backdoor integration) and most interesting thing is that it contains all the advanced features
How this source code is helpful for hackers? The answer is simple now you have source code modify it accordingly , change variable names, some passing parameters or add some dead codes and make it completely FUD(fully undetectable) from antivirus and use it to hack. And most important advantage is that you will keep yourself save from downloading ****ing Trojans from the internet in name of hack tools as most of them contains spy malware and keyloggers in it.

Brief description of features that this RAT has:
Supports xp/Vista/Windows 7, all features have been tested on these OS's including injection, but there have been some limitations on the sniffer.
File Manager:
  • Execute, Normal & Hidden.
  • Copy & Paste like Windows explorer.
  • Display size of file, and type.
  • Delete.
  • Download & Upload (re-coded) Multi-threaded downloads, which allows you to download multiple files at once.
  • Stop, Pause and resume active transfer's.
  • Search files.rename files.
System Manager:
  • Process Manager - Refresh and kill processes running
  • Window Manager - Refresh and close windows, shows hidden and visable windows.
  • Installed Programs - List's program name and Directory.
  • Installed Services - Lists installed services, allows you to stop, start and pause services.
  • Allows the user to have a time & date stamp, and active window, as well as custom colour coding.
  • Uses a keyboard hook, so no dropped keys like most keyloggers, and 0 CPU usage.
  • Offline and Online keylogs, Offline keylogs are downloaded once you start the Online keylogger, and once the online keylogger session has finished, the offline keylogger begins again.
Screen capture:
  • Reworked transfer & Capture.
  • Allows the user to select the quality, intervals of screen shots and stop & start screen capture, also allows the user to take a single snapshot when ever they want.
  • Reworked transfer & Capture.
  • Allows the user to stop & start captures also allows an interval for the sending of captures.
Packet Sniffer:
  • "Net stat" Allows the user to view local connections on the computer, and then select which connection you want to sniff, displays remote server IP and local IP & Port information, also the state of the connection, all this information comes from the TCP stack of windows.
  • Packet sniffer, sniffs the raw packets, using windows RAW sockets and formats them into text for you to read, i have tested this with Real world websites, and has allowed me to steal information, such as website logins, but because of the limitations of vista and windows 7 it is likely it will not work, for those two operating systems.
Choice of injection, This source comes with another project that allows you to inject your server into the default browser of the Victim, you can also use the exe and run it normally withoutinjection, for testing, the injection code has been modified from an old source i found, i took the source and improved it, made it detect the default browser and made it load the API's indirectly, so you can encrypt the API strings, and bypass AV's.