About US

About Anshul Madnawat.

Anshul Madnawat is a student that controls this blog. He authors the hugely popular blog name livestreet7.blogspot.com where he writes about technology, astrology, world and latest gadgets. Anshul is a regular speaker at technology and blogging conferences. He started his blog on 21 January 2012 and till today his page visitors was more than 10 million. You can connect with Anshul on twitter and Facebook . Or send him an email at anshul.madnawat2012@gmail.com.

About Live Street

Live Street, launched in 2012, is among the top 10 million and how-to blogs on the Internet out of an estimated total of 1300+ million websites . The purpose of the site is to help you take maximum advantage of the web technologies. Latest information and right tips to buy anything at your disposal so that you spend more time doing things your really love.