MeeGo is Highly Anticipated by Developers

The operating system world is changing fast. We'll introduce you a rising star in the field - MeeGo in this article. MeeGo which grows up rapidly in the internet computing blue ocean in current time becomes the biggest opportunity of the Linux developers.
In February, the MeeGo Linux platform integrated with Intel Moblin and Nokia Maemo was released. The two companies are willing to develop the MeeGo into a standard mobile Linux platform which supports various terminals and processors. In order to ensure the neutrality of the manufacturer and build a wide camp, Intel and Nokia have established cooperation with Linux Foundation.
Intel announced the development edition of first MeeGo OS edition to the developers in March. One is for the configuration of Intel Atom netbook and the other is for the Nokia N900. Doug Fisher, the vice president of the Intel software and service department, claimed that MeeGo is a cross-border Linux OS platform which is created for next generation computing devices.
It's applicable to smartphones, netbooks, tablets, TV mobile phones, network televisions, media phones and car infotainment system. In April, the future applications of multi-display of MeeGo smartphone, netbook and network television were presented on the IDF2010 in Beijing. The final version of MeeGo 1.0 was published in May. It compromises the MeeGo1.0 which supports the Intel Atom and the MeeGo1.0 core software platform.
The MeeGo development is opened to the outside world on April 6. This is the last step of the overall integration between Maemo and Moblin. The Intel open source technology center chief and Co-Chairman Imad Sousou wrote in the blog that the worldwide teams of Nokia and Intel were dedicated to sharing the MeeGo code with the open source community and reached the peak.
In the early time, the providing of critical sourcing code indicated that the development was transparent and published as promised. What does MeeGo open? Sousou introduced that it included the MeeGo distributed basic structure, core OS base and middleware layer.
The basic structure of MeeGo is based on a common core. The MeeGo common core includes core OS library, communication and phone service, social networking, video service, media service, data management, device service and personal service.
There are three kinds of structures in the resource pool of MeeGo code. They support different hardware platforms (Atom based netbook, ARM based Nokia N900 and Atom based Moorestown). It's similar to apple in the whole mode. The same iPhone Os is used in iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
Nokia and Intel are developing a mobile platform which is compelling to consumers and developers and can be operated on different hardwares. A developer mentioned the early instruction impressed him a lot when he saw the Moblin on the netbook for the first time.
Maemo can also provide some positive experience, especially the browsing and voice communication related experience. Thus, people can't help to seeing the combination of the two operating systems.
"MeeGo program has the strong support of the manufacturers and developers. We are all willing to catch the chance brought by the next generation computing devices. By the means of communication tools and open source technology, the developers will develop the suitable products easily to meet the wide needs of the market and gain the biggest market share.