It doesn't necessarily mean that if you are caught trying to compare auto insurance, you have no money. That's completely illogical. It means you are financially smart and see the need to get the best from your money. Scrutinizing every purchase you make is always a good idea even if you are renewing your auto insurance.
As a matter of fact, you should go over your renewal policy with a fine-toothed comb because most insurance providers will just automatically tag on a higher rate and hope you don't read the figures. It happens not only with car insurance but also fire, home, personal, health, and life insurance plans.
To compare auto insurance, here's what you can do:
1. Don't rule out any insurance company unless you have heard from reliable sources that they are not to be trusted or it's hard to make a claim and get approved.
2. Check with the Better Business Bureau or its equivalent office in your area if any of the insurance companies you have on your list have pending complaints.
3. Make sure you compare the policies based on one year. Obviously a policy that offers short-term auto insurance will appear to be much cheaper but in reality you're probably going to have to pay more than double if you choose short term auto insurance. The only time short term car insurance is acceptable are on rentals or short term use.
4. Accept that if you buy a car on a loan from the bank you will be required to get full coverage. This is the protection of the bank or financing agency since they are up fronting the money. You can start removing certain features as the loan is being paid but you have to make sure it is done with the approval of the bank. Once you own more than 50% of the car, they probably would not disagree.
5. Try to keep your credit report flawless but if it isn't, be ready to explain the discrepancies or bad report. Insurance companies will check your credit report before approving your insurance policy.
Finally, don't believe ads that promise no down payment or unbelievable low down payment to get auto insurance. It's not impossible but it's highly likely that there are hidden charges in the fine print. You need to compare auto insurance in even greater detail when the rates seem incredibly low.
Jenna has been an insurance specialist for the past 4 years. She has worked with several top insurance carriers, saving individuals shopping for affordable car insurance quotes. Jenna is standing by waiting to assist you in comparing auto insurance quotes & saving you hundreds. Get started today!
As a matter of fact, you should go over your renewal policy with a fine-toothed comb because most insurance providers will just automatically tag on a higher rate and hope you don't read the figures. It happens not only with car insurance but also fire, home, personal, health, and life insurance plans.
To compare auto insurance, here's what you can do:
1. Don't rule out any insurance company unless you have heard from reliable sources that they are not to be trusted or it's hard to make a claim and get approved.
2. Check with the Better Business Bureau or its equivalent office in your area if any of the insurance companies you have on your list have pending complaints.
3. Make sure you compare the policies based on one year. Obviously a policy that offers short-term auto insurance will appear to be much cheaper but in reality you're probably going to have to pay more than double if you choose short term auto insurance. The only time short term car insurance is acceptable are on rentals or short term use.
4. Accept that if you buy a car on a loan from the bank you will be required to get full coverage. This is the protection of the bank or financing agency since they are up fronting the money. You can start removing certain features as the loan is being paid but you have to make sure it is done with the approval of the bank. Once you own more than 50% of the car, they probably would not disagree.
5. Try to keep your credit report flawless but if it isn't, be ready to explain the discrepancies or bad report. Insurance companies will check your credit report before approving your insurance policy.
Finally, don't believe ads that promise no down payment or unbelievable low down payment to get auto insurance. It's not impossible but it's highly likely that there are hidden charges in the fine print. You need to compare auto insurance in even greater detail when the rates seem incredibly low.
Jenna has been an insurance specialist for the past 4 years. She has worked with several top insurance carriers, saving individuals shopping for affordable car insurance quotes. Jenna is standing by waiting to assist you in comparing auto insurance quotes & saving you hundreds. Get started today!