The Discovery of the Constellation Aries

Constellation has been a major part of life in the ancient times ever since humans started to observe the night sky. Pioneers of sea navigation always depend their perilous voyage by looking up to the sky to guide them as they fare along treacherous waters. Star gazers, priest and wise men of the ancient world use these groups of stars as their basis for their daily actions. Mythology tried to explain their existence and significance in terms of stories, legends and symbols.
In contemporary astronomy, constellation is defined as an area celestial spheres, characterized by accurate boundaries. Constellation could also be referred to as prominent visible heavenly bodies that seem to create a certain pattern in a specific area. In modern era, International Astronomical Union (IAU) parts the sky into eighty-eight (88) official constellations with exact borders; to define every direction or place in sky would be defined by a constellation.
The Eighty-eight Modern constellation
International Astronomical Union set the eighty-eight (88) official constellations. Majority of constellations are based upon the ancient Greek tradition passed down through the Middle Ages. It includes the famous 'Zodiac Signs' or the twelve (12) constellations which the sun passes and have had special cultural significance. The rest consist of constellations which were defined during the early modern era by astronomers who gazed and studied the skies in the southern hemisphere, which the Greeks did not see.

The following are the eighty-eight Modern constellations (in alphabetical order):
1. Andromeda
2. Antlia
3. Apus
4. Aquarius
5. Aquila
6. Ara
7. Aries
8. Auriga
9. Bootes
10. Caelum
11. Camelopardalis
12. Cancer
13. Canes Venatici
14. Canis Major
15. Canis Minor
16. Capricornus
17. Carina
18. Cassiopeia
19. Centaurus
20. Cepheus
21. Cetus
22. Chamaeleon
23. Circinus
24. Columba
25. Coma Berenices
26. Corona Australis
27. Corona Borealis
28. Corvus
29. Crater
30. Crux
31. Cygnus
32. Delphinus
33. Dorado
34. Draco
35. Equuleus
36. Eridanus
37. Fornax
38. Gemini
39. Grus
40. Hercules
41. Horologium
42. Hydra
43. Hydrus
44. Indus
45. Lacerta
46. Leo
47. Leo Minor
48. Lepus
49. Libra
50. Lupus
51. Lynx
52. Lyra
53. Mensa
54. Microscopium
55. Monoceros
56. Musca
57. Norma
58. Octans
59. Ophiuchus
60. Orion
61. Pavo
62. Pegasus
63. Perseus
64. Phoenix
65. Pictor
66. Pisces
67. Piscis Austrinus
68. Puppis
69. Pyxis
70. Reticulum
71. Sagitta
72. Sagittarius
73. Scorpius
74. Sculptor
75. Scutum
76. Serpens
77. Sextans
78. Taurus
79. Telescopium
80. Triangulum
81. Triangulum Australe
82. Tucana
83. Ursa Major
84. Ursa Minor
85. Vela
86. Virgo
87. Volans
88. Vulpecula
Throughout history, there are some discovered constellations that had been removed from the list. Some were tagged or considered as obsolete or former constellations. These groups of celestial bodies are no longer recognized by International Astronomical Union for several reasons. A classic example would be Ptolemy's Argo Navis. Due to its large size, it was divided to four (4) constellations by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille namely: Vela, Pyxis, Puppis and Carina.
Constellations significance is defined and derived from cultural and mythological aspects. One of the constellation that has historical prestige is Aries.
The Constellation Aries
Aries' implication is related to one of the most beautiful legend in Greek mythology. It is related to the Golden Fleece that Jason and the Argonauts desperately searched. According to Ptolemy's description, Aries has been described as a 'Ram' lying down with its head turned to the right. Aries has also been dubbed, though not that clear, as the 'Agrarian Worker'. Some sources asserted that early astronomers attributed the season of spring to Aries based on its position, thus considering Aries as the 'First House' that occupied the sun in its annual way. Discovery of Aries could have had happened during the Ancient times but as per documentation, Aries had been listed by Ptolemy 150 A.D.

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